“Remove the kinks from your mind, not from your hair” Marcus Garvey

Some things are serendipitous. While doing a friend Tor’s (IG @torhawleycreative) curls, she & I discussed my desire to do a photo shoot for bridal hairstyles with natural hair. I had realized years prior that we had really no representation as Naturalista’s in the bridal world. We discussed how far too many wavy, curly, & coily women feel the need to wear wigs, weaves, or flat iron on their wedding day. We wanted to begin to change that narrative.

With her amazing eye & photography skills & my styling, we made it happen.

This shoot is for Black women, to champion their natural hair. It is for natural hair and natural brides, for questioning the norm of weddings, for Black brides embracing their most natural selves on their best day.

It is for phenomenal Black women, and freedom to be.  Enjoy.